之前的文章提到了用 Python 與 Gnuplot 解決作業之後,我就大量的使用 Python 來解決各項課業上的問題。
最近正在實作 BATON 的演算法,當仁不讓的還是使用 Python 來解決這個問題。以下是我要實作演算法的虛擬碼:
Algorithm: join(node n)
If (Full(LeftRoutingTable(n)) and
Full(RightRoutingTable(n)) and
((LeftChild(n)==null) or (RightChild(n)==null))
Accept new node as child of n
If ((Not Full(LeftRoutingTable(n))) or
(Not Full(RightRoutingTable(n))))
Forward the JOIN request to parent(n)
(LeftRoutingTable(n), RightRoutingTable(n))
If (there exists such an m)
Forward the JOIN request to m
Forward the JOIN request to one of its
adjacent nodes
End If
End If
End If
而下面的則是 Python 實作的程式碼:
def join(child, n):
if Full(n\['LeftRoutingTable'\]) and \\
Full(n\['RightRoutingTable'\]) and \\
((n\['LeftChild'\] \== None) or (n\['RightChild'\] \== None)):
print ' ' + str(n\['Name'\]) + ' -- ' + str(child\['Name'\]) + ';'
accept(child, n)
if not Full(n\['LeftRoutingTable'\]) or not Full(n\['RightRoutingTable'\]):
join(child, n\['Parent'\])
m \= NodesNotEnoughChildren(n\['LeftRoutingTable'\], n\['RightRoutingTable'\])
if(m != None):
join(child, m)
\# Forward the JOIN request to one ofits adjacent nodes
if n\['LeftAdjacent'\] != None:
join(child, n\['LeftAdjacent'\])
join(child, n\['RightAdjacent'\])
是不是與虛擬碼非常相似呢?撰寫完演算法後,還有一個工作就是要視覺化的表達樹的結構。正巧這幾個禮拜在紅塵一隅間拾得的文章裡面提到了 graphviz 這個非常好用的工具,可以用來產生各種有向、無向圖形。所以就利用這個工具來產生圖形,而 Python 呼叫外部程式當然也是很簡單:
def node(name):
return {
'Parent' : None,
'LeftChild' : None,
'RightChild' : None,
'LeftRoutingTable' : list(),
'RightRoutingTable' : list(),
'LeftAdjacent' : None,
'RightAdjacent' : None,
'Name' : name,
'Level' : 0
def travel(node, tstr):
if node\['LeftChild'\] != None:
tstr += ' ' + str(node\['Name'\]) + ' -- ' + str(node\['LeftChild'\]\['Name'\]) + ';\\n'
tstr \= travel(node\['LeftChild'\], tstr)
if node\['RightChild'\] != None:
tstr += ' ' + str(node\['Name'\]) + ' -- ' + str(node\['RightChild'\]\['Name'\]) + ';\\n'
tstr \= travel(node\['RightChild'\], tstr)
return tstr
root \= node('root')
child \= node('child')
join(child, root)
for i in range(0, int(sys.argv\[1\])):
c \= node(i)
join(c, root)
print 'Finish\\n'
tstr \= travel(root, '')
temp \= Template('graph G{\\n$info\\n}\\n')
s \= temp.substitute(info\=tstr)
file \= open('temp.dot', 'w')
os.system('dot -Tsvg -o temp.svg temp.dot')
os.system('eog temp.svg')
執行完程式後 Eye of GNOME 就開啟了這張繪製好的 SVG 圖檔。
Python 是個好東西阿!